I am very unfamiliar to the new system called “Cloud” which Hewett Packard has recently released its Beta version of. This blog is essentially my step by step learning process of a Cloud system and how it works. It is going to allow me to realize the benefits of using the system, and the advantages in which this new technology can bring to the business world.
A Cloud is basically a Just In Time System for data, but on steroids. It is an online system that allows you to do computations and other business functions, which in the past you would need software for. It allows you to save your data to a remote location, and access it instantaneously at another point in time. HP is relatively new to the “cloud” world which is dominated by companies like Amazon and Microsoft. HP’s Cloud offers HP Cloud Compute, and HP Object Storage. It is only in the beta stage. When it finally goes live, users will be charged as they use the system and not charged a subscription fee. This is definitely an attractive feature to people and businesses new to the “Cloud” world.
Now that I know a little about HP’s cloud and its functions, I can state what I think of this revolutionary “Cloud” idea and of HP’s direction. I think that this will be the way of the future. This is a pretty direct and gutsy statement but if we look at the opportunities it brings, it is an easy statement to make. If cloud becomes as popular as it seems like it will, it will lead to a complete change of the business world. Companies will no longer need enormous servers, sizes of computers will go down, and if the Cloud system is half as fast as HP claims it is, it can potentially raise efficiency to whole new levels. These are just some of the advantages that cloud systems bring to big business. We can also look at potential advantages Cloud can bring to home computing and even small businesses. You’re sitting at your computer late at night trying to finish a project for your boss and you see the infamous blue screen. You’re at no fault. It’s just your cheap and old computer to blame. Now what do you do? “Boss my computer crashed so I don’t have the project you needed me to finish last night,” just doesn’t cut it. He fires you on the spot and the next day you’re job hunting. Now imagine a day in the future where all of your data is saved on a remote location and your computer crashes on you. All you have to do is re boot and pick up where you left off. I hate to sound like a HP salesman, but this is a problem in which we can all relate to.
This cloud technology is going to be the way of the future. There will be a point in time where the only thing which a company needs to supply their employees with is a desk and a basic computer to access the internet with. All data will be stored on whatever cloud system, whether it’s HP CloudSystem Matrix for its privacy benefits, HP CloudSystem Service provider for its ease of access benefits, or any other Cloud system in which a company chooses. This will eliminate the amount of machines in which an error can occur on and improve the business world tremendously.
Works Cited
Burt, Jeffery. "HP Unveils Private Cloud Service Beta Program - Cloud Computing - News &
Reviews - EWeek.com." Technology News, Tech Product Reviews, Research and Enterprise Analysis - News & Reviews - EWeek.com. 8 Sept. 2011. Web. 20 Sept. 2011.
Web. <http://h20195.www2.hp.com/V2/GetPDF.aspx/4AA3-2700ENW.pdf.>.
This statement that the "cloud" is the wave of the future is true but where you focus on the Business side of it i come at the "cloud" as being more useful for the everyday user and kindle or Ipad owner. Huge corporations will most likely never trust their valuable data such as emails or bank statements to companies such as HP for security purposes. But for the everyday user the "cloud is a great way to store your info securely and make it easily accessible throughout the internet. Apple is creating a huge server farm in north carolina that will do precisely what you say the "cloud" will it will be a service that will store .me users info such as emails contact and even documents. The biggest example of the cloud in everyday use is the Kindle and amazon. Amazon uses the cloud to sell and rent books and textbooks to kindle suers. Without these servers and "cloud" the kindle would not be as popular as it is. Also from the point of a computer crash there are backups in place such as a backup drive to stop that and a backup drive is cheaper and more convenient then the cloud i believe will ever be. you can buy a terabyte drive for less than you can rent 5 gigabytes of space for, so wheres the practicality in that. The cloud has taken the form of a useful tool to store info and a way to make money but i don't think will ever replace servers for a huge corporation unless each corporation has there own "cloud" which would put HP's out of business anyways.